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Hamac предоставляет нашим клиентам различные модели бетономешалок для различных требований клиентов. Наш продукт содержит двухвальный бетоносмеситель JS, двухвальный бетоносмеситель HST, которые подходят для мокрого бетона; Планетарный бетоносмеситель серии MP, который подходит для полутвердого бетона, отвечающего высоким требованиям качества. Он широко продается в Африке, на Ближнем Востоке, в Латинской Америке, Азии и странах Восточной Европы. Отличная производительность отмечена в нескольких областях применения, в бетонной промышленности, а также на промышленных предприятиях (обработка отходов, химическая промышленность, стекольная промышленность). В зависимости от типа применения, все миксеры могут быть оснащены несколькими принадлежностями и могут быть дополнены многими дополнениями для достижения определенной производительности, качества смешивания и ожидаемого срока службы, требуемого в определенной области.
  • <b>SICOMA Double Shaft Concrete Mixer</b>

    SICOMA Double Shaft Concrete Mixer

    SICOMA twin shaft concrete mixer is a type of concrete mixer, which mainly consists of tank system, mixing system, driving system, seal lubricating system, discharge system and electrical system. The twin horizontal shafts rotate in high speed, produce convection, thus the mixing process of aggregate...

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  • <b>JS series Concrete Mixer</b>

    JS series Concrete Mixer

    JS series concrete mixer is a kind of double shafts forced type mixer, it can be used separately and can be used together with a concrete batching machine to be a simple type concrete batching plant. It is being widely used in various scale of prefabricate concrete parts factory, and much constructio...

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  • <b>MP Planetary Concrete Mixer</b>

    MP Planetary Concrete Mixer

    MP series planetary concrete mixer adopted Germany technique used for mixing concrete .It is not only applies in common concrete ,precast concrete but also in high performance concrete. Planetary Concrete Mixers widely apply to produce precast concrete, common commercial concrete and high performance...

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  • <b>European Tech.Twin shaft Concrete Mixer</b>

    European Tech.Twin shaft Concrete Mixer

    HTS series concrete mixer absorbs the European advanced technology and has unique performance of European mixer. It is a good plant to instead the exported same type mixers....

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  • <b>Concrete Mixer with Pump</b>

    Concrete Mixer with Pump

    According to the actual construction requirement in the rural districts, small and medium towns, and various construction projects, our company researched and developed this new versatile equipment “concrete mixer with pump” combined with concrete mixing system and concrete delivering sys...

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  • <b>Self-loading Mobile Concrete Mixer</b>

    Self-loading Mobile Concrete Mixer

    Self-loading mobile concrete mixer is an equipment combined with concrete mixer truck and concrete mixing station. Raw material loading, weighting, mixing and discharging all rolled into one. It could not only be used to transport the concrete but also produce the concrete at site. ...

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  • <b>JZ series Concrete Mixer</b>

    JZ series Concrete Mixer

    JZC/JZM series concrete mixer is a self-falling concrete mixing machine which discharging with the double cone barrel rotating reversely. It mixes the material by rotating positively, and discharges by rotating reversely. It is suitable for the common construction, road and bridge, and prefabricated ...

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  • <b>JZR Diesel Driven Concrete Mixer</b>

    JZR Diesel Driven Concrete Mixer

    JZR series diesel concrete mixer is driven by diesel engine. There are two feeding modes: climbing bucket feeding and dump hopper feeding. JZR series diesel engine concrete mixer can be drawn by wheels, so it is easy to move. It is controlled by electric control box, which makes the operation very ea...

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Concrete Block Making Machinery Truck-mounted Concrete Boom Pump
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