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Deliver HBT15 Diesel Concrete Mixer with Pump to North America

Date: Jun 26, 2017     Source: Hamac Machinery

After 20 days production, the HBT15 Concrete mixer with pump which was ordered by our customer from North America was delivered to the port for delivery. HBT15 concrete mixer with pump is suitable for the building which is not exceed 10 storeys. It is very convenient and high efficiency.

Meanwhile, this client chose a skid steer load from us as an auxiliary equipment to feed the aggreagte and sand to our HBT15. This skid steer loader is versatile, you can change the different tools to act as different roles.

If you have same requirement for our HBT15, please contact us.

Tags: Concrete Pump Equipmentself loading mobile concrete mixer priceBolted Cement Silo for Sale | 30T-300T Cement Storage Silosready mix concrete plants for sale truck mixers for saleboom concrete

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