Read our customer case in Latin America below to see how HAMAC help customers to choose the suitable plant. Contact our regional sale manager to learn more details.
QT6-15 brick maker is a Automatic concrete block making equipment. By changing the moulds, it can produce diverse kinds of concrete wall blocks, such as: insulating block, hollow block, holes block, solid block; and paver blocks, such as: interlock block, Dutch block, curb; as well as concrete members, dry base brick, planter bricks, fence block for parks, air port and wharf, etc. This equipment is...
Бетонные заводы, Бетононасос,Самоходный бетоносмеситель с самозагрузкой, Асфальтосмесительная установка, Мобильный асфальтовый завод, Линия по производству кирпича